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Tour and Assessment Guidelines
Thank you for participating in our fusion energy sciences education program. The following guidelines are general and may vary slightly among school districts. Please note the maximum group size is 50 students and the typical educational tour takes 3 hours. We encourage you to provide an adult chaperone for every 10-12 students. Use the online tour signup form or call (858) 455-4198 to schedule a tour. DIII-D’s operating schedule limits the time and availability of tours, and the tour dates shown on the tour calendar are subject to change.)


To Do

2-4 weeks
your visit

  1. Order substitute teachers and bus transportation. Please contact us regarding our bus cost reimbursement guidelines.
  2. Fill out your leave of absence form, and send it to the proper office. You’ll need a budget number for your substitute.
  3. Fill out a transportation request and send it to the proper
    office. You will need a budget number for your bus. The bus should be contracted to arrive at General Atomics (GA) by 9:30 a.m. and depart by 12:30 p.m.
  4. Obtain an information package from us that includes
    activities, CDs, and a videotape on fusion.
1 week
before visit
  1. Fax alphabetical list of students’ and adults’ names to Rick Lee at (858) 455-4198.
  2. If there are any changes please call Rick Lee at (858) 455-4198 as soon as possible.
  3. Confirm bus reservation with District.
2 days
your visit
  1. Have students complete the pre-program assessment form. Please assign a number to each student to be used consistently on each set of forms completed.
1 day before
the visit
  1. Present the videotape “Fusion: Nature’s Fundamental Energy Source” to your students. Discuss key points of interest with your students.
Day of your
DIII-D visit
  1. Regularly scheduled tour time is 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
  2. Refreshments will be served (but we do NOT provide lunches).
  3. Have fun! Ask a lot of questions during the tour.
Day after
  1. Have students complete the post-program assessment form.
  2. Discuss questions from workbook and tour.
  3. Give students fusion and plasma physics energy sciences
    related assignments.
  4. Your school's financial secretary
    should submit to GA a statement of services rendered,
    identifying the bus company, the date of service and the cost of transportation. GA will need this on school/district letterhead.
  5. Please send bus statements, assessment forms, and
    comments/suggestions to Rick Lee, General Atomics Bldg 34, 3550 General Atomics Ct. MS 34 reception, San Diego, CA 92121 e-mail: leer@fusion.gat.com